In addition to supporting the institutions in their efforts to attain the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of patients and families, MUSCO’s coordination team and its shared resources serve as facilitators, supporting opportunities for dialogue amongst teams and professionnals who wish to develop new collaborations.

These emerging collaborations echo the spirit of cooperation and sharing of expertise surrounding the Initiative. Each of them represent a positive impact and further demonstrate the willingness of institutions to work together and pool their respective strengths in order to benefit from one another’s’ experiences. An organic sense of collaboration among the partner institutions is growing.

Find out more about the emerging collaborations that MUSCO is involved in.

Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Centre Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada

The teams at the Technopôle’s Movement Lab (CRME) and the Shriners’ Gait Lab met to explore the possibility of sharing their expertise and resources (equipment, etc.). This first meeting, coordinated by MUSCO, confirmed their mutual interest in exploring collaborative possibilities to take their work to new heights.

CHU Sainte-Justine Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada Montreal Children’s Hospital

Physicians and professionals from the CHU Sainte-Justine and the Shriners Hospital began meeting on an ad hoc basis in 2020 as part of the Complex Young SpineClinic initiative. This has allowed the various stakeholders to discuss cases and files that require the input of multiple professionals to establish a consistent set of treatment protocols. The benefits for families are tangible: with only one appointment, they can tap into the experience of four pediatric spine specialists.

MUSCO’s role as a facilitator has helped in planning these meetings, developing processes to optimize inter-institutional collaboration and integrating representatives from the Montreal Children’s Hospital into the discussions.

Montreal Children’s Hospital

The I-CCAN Service at the Montreal Children’s Hospital provides shared support similar to that of MUSCO’s Inter-establishment Navigator, who liaises with MUSCO’s four partner institutions. The goal of both is to facilitate access to the right services for patients and families with complex healthcare needs. A collaborative relationship has therefore been established between the I-CCAN team and the Inter-establishment Navigator to ensure the proper coordination of services for patients of the Montreal Children’s Hospital and other MUSCO partner institutions.

The Inter-establishment Navigator has facilitated the link between I-CCAN coordinators and clinical representatives from other MUSCO partner institutions to help coordinate appointments for patients with multi-site needs. The Inter-establishment Navigator is in regular communication with I-CCAN. Positive impacts in terms of the quality and efficiency of services offered to families have already been observed.