How important is MUSCO for families?

Photo de Caroline Marie Fidalgo et de son fils Alex Olivier

It is important for parents to be able to express themselves. Our insights are invaluable in improving services and procedures over the long run. But most of all, it is important for parents to feel that they are heard and that their efforts are not in vain.

Caroline Marie Fidalgo — Alex Olivier’s mother and member of the Advisory Pole

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To what needs does MUSCO respond?

Photo de Stephanie Gould

By creating projects and initiatives that encourage inter-establishment collaboration, MUSCO is actively responding to families’ desire for wraparound care.

Stephanie Gould — Inter-establishment Navigator, MUSCO

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How does MUSCO impact collaboration?

Photo de Jacques Boissonneault

The MUSCO Initiative is an important driver of collaborative efforts among pediatric institutions in the Montreal community. It allows us to pool our knowledge, share our practices and find common solutions to improve the health and well-being of children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Jacques Boissonneault — Hospital Administrator, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada

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Photo de Margaret Ruddy

Improved communication certainly has an impact on families, it has resulted in more timely access and an improved patient and family experience.

Margaret Ruddy — Associate Director of Nursing, Montreal Children’s Hospital

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Photo de Maryse St-Onge

The MUSCO Initiative allows […] to strengthen this spirit of collaboration, which is so essential to the quality of services provided to families.

Maryse St-Onge — Former Director of Multidisciplinary Affairs, Mental Health and Rehabilitation, CHU Sainte-Justine

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Photo de Dr Stefan Parent

I am extremely proud to be part of MUSCO. Thanks to this initiative, pediatric medicine is and will remain focused on children and their families.

Stefan Parent — Chief, Orthopedic Services, CHU Sainte-Justine

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Photo de Claude Pinard

The Mirella & Lino Saputo Foundation encourages teams to include patients and families in discussions. This allows professionals to come together around a common vision: the well-being of children and their families

Claude Pinard — Former Executive Director, Mirella & Lino Saputo Foundation (replaced by Camillo Lisio – interim)

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