Revision of MUSCO’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan

an analysis of the Initiative to look to the future

With two years left to complete the projects, a review of MUSCO’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan was undertaken with the help of consulting firm IDMRS (in French only). The consultation process ran from January to March 2023, and mobilized nearly 50 people involved with the Initiative, including members of the Advisory Pole, the Executive Committee, the Bureau of the Initiative and project leaders. Above all, the aim of this review was to take the pulse of the collaborators who contribute greatly to MUSCO’s development, in order to build a shared vision and ensure that the actions to be taken over the next two years are heading in the right direction.

Revising the strategic plan allows us to discover what works best and to refine what needs to be preserved or developed. But above all, it allows us to take a step back, to ask ourselves questions about our raison d’être, the brand we want to leave and the role we wish to play, and thus to adjust strategies while ensuring the shared commitment of all parties involved,

explains Isabelle Demers, President of IDMRS.

The thoughts of the people involved in the strategic plan review were gathered in several ways: through group interviews or individual meetings, and by sending questionnaires to be completed online. A number of very interesting findings emerged from these processes, both in terms of how the Initiative is perceived and the impact it has with stakeholders.

Image taken from the revision of MUSCO’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan (French only)

Isabelle herself saw this in her exchanges with the participants in the revision: “What made this mandate particularly special was the concrete collaborative context that was present at every stage. The diversity of the people involved brought a richness to the exchanges. The different perspectives, experiences and expertise contributed to developing solutions that were truly representative of the needs of the community, and that made sense to all stakeholders. This mandate was a real coup de coeur. I was impressed by the way MUSCO embodies its values of listening, empathy and collaboration with consistency and authenticity.”

The Executive Committee has ratified the strategic plan revision. Three major priorities have been identified and will be developed over the next two years with the help of an action plan detailing priorities, actions and deadlines:

  • We need to better measure the impact and results of the Initiative’s activities, and be in a position to collect both quantitative and qualitative statistics and data;
  • MUSCO must develop its influence with stakeholders and ensure that the Initiative is better known by key decision-makers; 
  • Communication of the Initiative’s offer and activities needs to be simplified.

One wish that Isabelle expressed for the future of the Initiative, and which is undoubtedly shared by all the collaborators, is that “MUSCO can obviously continue to be deployed and (…) be recognized more widely, (…) that its model can be shared and duplicated in other similar contexts and that its ‘recipe’ can contribute to improving care and can be a lever for innovation for the benefit of patients, caretakers, professionals and the system in which they find themselves.”

We certainly hope this wish may come true! Stay tuned to your e-mail for details of the revised strategic plan, which will be communicated in the coming weeks.