A day of awareness and training for frontline teams
an initiative to strengthen the support of complex care in hospitals

Following exchanges between one of the MUSCO working groups working on the subject and the SPORC ((Sainte-Justine Pediatric Orthopaedic Review Cours) working group, which had the same ambition, the idea of a frontline pediatric orthopedic day took shape with a program that was thought out by a merged MUSCO-SPORC working committee. As a reminder, as part of the Training Plan – Medical Component, MUSCO has been supporting the organization of post-SPORC days for several years, which complement the SPORC training for orthopedic residents.
On February 24, 2023, more than 300 professionals (general practitioners, nurses, pediatricians, residents and rehabilitation professionals) with an interest in pediatric orthopedics registered to update themselves and/or learn more about the musculoskeletal problems frequently encountered in newborns, children and adolescents.
Among the ten or so conferences on the program that they were able to attend virtually or in person at the CHU Sainte-Justine were: foot problems in newborns, angular and rotational deformities in newborns and children, hip problems in children and adolescents, lameness, knee injuries and concussions.
This type of event is of particular importance to the organizing committee, which includes Éliane Rioux-Trottier, Marie-Lyne Nault, and Peter Glavas, Orthopaedic Surgeons at CHU Sainte-Justine, as well as Reggie Hamdy, Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada. “Sharing knowledge between different healthcare professionals is essential for optimal patient care,” explains Éliane Rioux-Trottier, “In this regard, the event organized by SPORC and MUSCO allows health professionals working with a pediatric population to learn about the most common musculoskeletal pathologies and thus optimize the management of these patients from their first contact with a health professional. This minimizes the time between initial presentation and treatment.”
This co-organized day has the advantage of equipping frontline health professionals with the tools they need to determine when to refer the patient for musculoskeletal pathologies that they may encounter most frequently, thus allowing for a more judicious use of resources and a better knowledge of the management requiring an orthopaedic consultation: “By making primary care physicians more confident in their conduct towards musculoskeletal pathologies, children requiring tertiary care will be more quickly managed and treated,” summarizes Marie-Lyne Nault.
A first experience of sharing that will certainly bear fruit and be repeated in the future!