Practical Guide on the Integration of Patient Resources

The MUSCO Initiative strives to put families’ voices front and centre of all its projects. But this requires the input of parents, patients and caregivers serving as Patient Resources. The integration of families into the Initiative’s working groups is a process that must be supported by all MUSCO stakeholders. This was the impetus behind the creation of the Practical Guide on the Integration of Patient Resources, which resulted from the discussions that took place during the Workshop on the Integration of Patient Resources.

Practical Guide on patient-family experience based project evaluation

Like the guide written following the Integration workshop for Patients-Resources (conducted in February 2021 within the framework of MUSCO and in collaboration with the Planetree Francophone Network), this document aims to synthesize the exchanges between collaborators who were able to attend another MUSCO workshop, this time conducted to raise awareness of the importance of considering the patient-family experience when evaluating a project.